I Am Exhausted

It is exhausting CONSTANTLY having to fight for my right to exist. It is exhausting having to explain myself, who I am, and why I am this way. I am a human being, and I deserve to have basic respect and some basic human dignity. I am not some freak show for you to laugh at or some scientific experiment gone wrong. I am not yours to gawk at or comment on. I am not something to make laws against. I am a human being with feelings, a life, and a purpose. I have something to offer this world; just because you don't see it does not mean I am not worthy of living a life I am happy with. Being transgender is a difficult reality. I handle it well now and have created a pretty incredible life that I am mostly happy with, but it came with so many struggles that no amount of blogs, interviews, books, or podcasts could possibly give you a full picture of what I have gone through. Being t...