Bathroom Blues

Let’s talk bathrooms; yes I know it’s a bit gross and maybe a bit unnerving but it’s time. Often I have people ask me if there is anything I miss about being female. I only have one answer and even that is a bit of a no. My answer you ask… the women’s restroom. Now, I suffered a lot of abuse from other women when I would use public restrooms and often had security called on me and had a few purses knock me around, but the women’s restroom GENERALLY is much cleaner and better smelling than the men’s room. This is what I miss about being female. So what is it about the men’s room that is so bad? You would think that having a hose you can aim would help all that nasty urine end up in the toilet but NO! There is more piss all over the toilets, urinals, and the FLOOR than you would ever believe. I have to clean the toilet every time I go in...