Advocare 24 Day Challenge: Day 8

Alright we are on Day 8 of our 24 Day Challenge. Let me tell you, this has been an amazing week of learning. I was so not mentally ready for this challenge on day 1. I will tell you that right now. However, it was a perfect start to help get me mentally prepared for a lifelong lifestyle change. Some things that I have discovered about myself include that I have had a very weak disposition when it comes to carbs and sweets. I have to really be on my guard about the little sweets that seem to sneak into my diet like an Oreo cookie, a cupcake, or ice cream. I won't have a lot, but I will pick at sweets and other carbs that are around the house. SO, I cannot have them in the house for a “just in case”. If I need sweets, I need to make a healthy alternative for a treat. A positive aspect I've learned, I'm great at prepping and packing lunches if I make up my mind to do it. I have spent the last week prepping my lunch the night before and the beginning of the week is now...