What is This Advocare You Keep Speaking of?
Lately I'm sure you have seen my postings all over Facebook and Pinterest about Advocare. You're probably sick of seeing it and wondering when I'm going to give up being so excited; well I hate to break it to ya, but I don't see myself getting any less excited about finding something as amazing as Advocare. I'll explain....
I first came across Advocare through some friends of my fiance'. They shared their story (yay woopdie doo) and gave us some samples: Spark Energy Drink, Rehydrate, Apple Cinnamon Breakfast Bar, and an Advocare meal replacement shake. Well fabulous! I was quite skeptic and thought that I was about to encounter another stupid trick that would only tease me about weight loss and having energy. I've been trying to lose weight and have tried MANY diets since I was 12 years old. I know my way around Atkins, South Beach, HCG, Low Carb, Low fat, and diabetic diets. If it is out there, you bet I have tried it; even the devil itself: The Cabbage Soup Diet. All have failed me. They left me tired, STARVING, and EXTREMELY GRUMPY! But my fiance' wanted to try it, and I being a good-soon-to-be-husband-type-creature wanted to support her.
It was close to the beginning of my Senior year at UAA, and I was dreading the long days I would have in class. I'm the kind of guy who needs 12 hours of sleep a night. I do not function without coffee or energy drinks and my grades were often negatively affected by my inability to concentrate in class, nevertheless afterward for homework. I was a good student but not near what I was in high school when I was full of energy and in decent shape. I decided that the first day of class (my long day) would be when I tried this Spark Energy Drink and Meal Replacement Shake (I was broke so I didn't really have much of an option). First thing in the morning I mixed the Spark in my water bottle and put the shake packet into my bag for an attempt at having a lunch. Off to school.

The nest few days of school felt like most days, and I was tired. I tried coffee but to no avail. I love the taste and the comfort hot coffee brings, but I just never get much more than that- unless you count the 400 calories. I knew I needed another one of those weird Spark drinks. Luckily my fiance' had signed up to be a Distributor with the company and our beginner kit arrived in a short 3 days. The following week I had a Spark every morning before school. HALLELUJA!!! I have NEVER felt so energized in my life! I was staying awake and was paying attention in my classes and even understanding the material. I was mentally sharp from the beginning to the end of my day and have never been so productive in my homework and studies. I recently had my first exam in Learning and Cognition (my most difficult class) and didn't have any anxiety like I usually do. I felt at ease as I went through the questions only having minor doubts on 2 of the 37 questions. The rest of the test I completely understood. I even finished 3rd. Normally I'd be one of the last students taking an exam in the classroom and unsure of 90% of the questions. While this could be attributed to an easy exam, I doubt it. My ability to pay attention and focus in class is why I knew what I was doing.

Since I began using Spark on a regular basis (about 2 weeks) I have lost 4 pounds. That' s huge for me. Losing weight, as I said earlier, is very difficult for me. While the weight loss is exciting, I can't believe how great I feel when I have a Spark. The best part is that there is no crash later, and I don't have the heart palpitations like I do when I have an energy drink or the 5 hour energy shots. I haven't even needed my xanax since I've been on Spark. I just feel energized.
So what is this Spark I keep taking about? Well, Spark is an energy drink made up of amino acids and vitamins and contains less caffeine than a cup of coffee. You mix one packet with 9oz of water and you have an instant energy booster. You can have up to three of these a day (recommended by Advocare's own medical board), but if you're like me, you'll only need one to get you feeling amazing and energized all day long. There are 8 flavors to choose from and I've yet to find a flavor I don't like. And this is coming from a soda/coffee junkie who would drink probably 8 or more caffeinated drinks in a day. I rarely ever have a soda these days and I'll only have coffee if I'm just relaxing and don't take a Spark. Even then, I'm ordering sugar-free, non-fat, whatever so as to avoid calories. OH and Spark only has 45 calories and is sugar-free. Do you know how many calories I'm saving in one day just by switching to Spark!?!?!? Around 1000 calories a day! 3500 calories is 1 pound of body weight. No wonder I lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks!

The next part of my Advocare journey is going to be the 24 Day Challenge. All the Alaska Distributors and some of our friends are all doing it together. While our counterparts started their challenge on Friday, my fiance' and I will be starting our challenge on Monday due to my fiance' having surgery today. I'm super excited to start the 24 Day Challenge for a number of reasons but mostly because I'm over being sick and tired all the time. The reviews I've read and heard have been phenomenal, and I'm excited to try it for myself. We are doing the Trim Challenge but there are 5 different challenges uniquely designed to fit whatever goals you want to accomplish.
I will be posting updates on how our challenge goes as they days pass as well as the final results. If you are interested in checking out Advocare and all of their amazing products you can visit the following websites or if you have any questions about Advocare feel free to ask me directly.
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