
Showing posts from 2012

A Christmas COCK Tail

          Ahhhh Christmas.... such a joyous time of year. Families together and children all excited for Santa and presents; decorations and trees lighted up; and all the pressure to be perfect and buy amazing gifts and look fabulous while scarfing down food and holiday treats. While realizing that holidays aren't what they used to be when I was younger, I am reminded of an old Christmas wish...            Every year around Christmas time, I would ask Santa to let me wake up a boy. I prayed every day to God that I would wake up with my missing penis in its proper place but that never happened, so I figured Santa would be the one to ask. Now at Christmas number 24, I still haven't gotten my one true wish. Now I know it's not as simple as going to sleep and waking up as the opposite gender (but damn I wish it was) and that a lot has to go into transitioning but really all I want for Christ...

Dreams and Passions

They say it all starts with a dream. Our actions begin with a single thought planted in our brains. As human beings it is natural to seek out our desires to fulfill them. The question is, how do we know our real desires? Our society is full of current styles and the newest obsessions but does this determine what we as individuals want? What do YOU want out of YOUR life? How do you know if it’s something real or just fantasy?             Sadly I can’t even always answer these questions for myself. I want to do what is best for me and my future, but I don’t always know what that is. How do I know what will last and what will fall by the wayside? I think it has to do with time and dedication. What you put your time and money and attention into is what you desire. That is where your heart belongs. It might not always seem right or practical or even sane, but it is what we do and think subconsciously that feeds our desires and pass...

Return of The Gentleman

Integrity, honesty, loyalty, courtesy, courage, physical strength, gentle, kind, generous, respectful, honor… Values- values that once lived in the heart of every man considered a gentleman. These qualities go hand in hand with what seems today to be a fantasy world. Gentlemen live in story books that begin with ‘Once Upon A Time’. Now like most fairytales, we often dream of them coming true in our own lives; women specifically dream of the return of the gentlemen and Knights in shining armor. Years of girls and women have passed dreaming of this story book man, however, the question still remains: How do we return the gentlemen? Well in order to return gentlemen to this day and age we must first look at where the gentlemen originated from. Most remember the gentleman as being from the Victorian Era where men dressed well and always treated others with respect. While this is partly true, the gentleman precedes to the Medieval Times. Dr. Richard Abels, a United States Naval Acade...

Riddle of a Gender Obsessed Society

         Babies- such a blessing; they are adorable, sweet, bundles of joy, and I am proud to say that my life has recently been filled with the births of new relatives. Babies are our own little miracles and generally it is a happy occasion when friends and family announce, we’re pregnant! There is a round of congratulations and the next question always seems to be, do you want a boy or a girl? Names get thrown out and ideas about the baby room. The baby shower is planned by friends and the question of the baby’s gender is constantly debated until that ultrasound shows it all. Or if you’re like me, you’d wait till the baby was born; but either way, the riddle of gender plays through the minds of parents, friends, and family. It seems that no matter what the conversation about the baby, gender rules the show. Everything that is picked out for the baby’s room, their toys, and outfits, are all based on one little thing- does the baby have a...

Becoming an Adult

In becoming an adult, more specifically an adult in my early 20s, I have realized that my education has severely failed me. School was always about things that had very little to do with real life. I thought school and college were supposed to prepare you for the real world. Well I’ve been in the so called “real world” for just over five years, and I am still clueless on many aspects of living. I feel cheated.             In school I learned how to read, write, run, calculate using a machine, and type a word document, how to sing, how to play dodge ball and other sports, and how to use a combination lock. While that is all swell knowledge and has made my life fun and somewhat easier, I find being an adult needs much more knowledge; not just for the workforce but simply to live and survive.             My years spent in school from kindergarten to several years of c...

The Power of Addictions

           Addictions come in all shapes and forms. We can’t really limit addictions because truthfully, we as human beings can become addicted to almost anything. Whether it is drugs, alcohol, self-harm, money, suicide, education, food, power, exercise, shopping, nicotine, caffeine, or sex, addictions can be dangerous and they alter who we are as individuals. Addictions can hurt the good we can do as people and also hurt those we love and who love us. As someone who has addictions, I know the effects it has on the person and those who love them.             We come to be addicts when we constantly feel the need to escape our own thoughts and emotions of everyday life or specific difficult situations. Addictions help us to put off our emotions and deal with the stress that we face. We feel that the addiction is something we can take power over and control. The vice we choose...