Becoming an Adult
In becoming an adult, more specifically an adult in my early
20s, I have realized that my education has severely failed me. School was
always about things that had very little to do with real life. I thought school
and college were supposed to prepare you for the real world. Well I’ve been in
the so called “real world” for just over five years, and I am still clueless on
many aspects of living. I feel cheated.

My years spent in school from
kindergarten to several years of college prepared me for basic knowledge of
academics. It prepared me for a life spent in school or for a career involving
lots of research. School did not prepare me for life which I thought was the
whole point. I am thousands upon thousands of dollars in debt for my education,
and I don’t even have a degree yet. I am struggling with the necessity of
higher education as it has done very little for me. It most certainly is not
worth the $40,000 plus for which I am in debt. If I had to put a price on the
education I’ve received, my college experience might be worth about $5,000. I’d
go up to $10,000 if I had my BA in Psychology with a minor in Criminal Justice.

However, ranting about useless
college classes is not my main point. While I feel college is simply a way to
rob us of our time and money, it is our education as children and teenagers
that is lacking. I want to focus on high school. I remember high school being
full of useless drama but also having fun in sports and choir. Teachers told us
that we were preparing for our future but looking back, nothing in high school
really prepared me for the real world. I never learned how to apply for jobs;
how to create a resume; what to do for an interview; how to open a bank account
or balance a checkbook; I didn’t learn about principle investments or savings
accounts or how to create a budget. I did take a government class my senior
year, but I learned about the house versus Supreme Court; I didn’t learn how to
register to vote or why I should care. I didn’t learn about different types of
taxes and what percentages meant when referring to them.
I never learned about buying a
vehicle and how to get insurance and what those percentages mean. I didn’t
learn what paperwork was needed or how to file an insurance claim if I was in
an accident regardless of whose fault it was. I never learned what plan would
be best for car insurance or what each type of coverage meant. Even when I
talked to the insurance company they didn’t explain it. My parents set up my
insurance without ever talking to me about the options. I ended up getting
screwed because I was not educated on my own car insurance that I was paying
for! I still know close to nothing about taking care of a vehicle even after
owning one for seven years. I can’t change my oil, change a tire, fix a flat, swap
my wipers, or change my spark plugs. I don’t even know how to jump a car. I
find my lack of knowledge about vehicles quite pitiful and pathetic.

Never in high school did I learn
about having an apartment versus a house. What property taxes are or what they
go towards. I didn’t learn about health insurance or how to file taxes.
Although I have to say I did take a health class once; I didn’t learn anything
useful, but I had the class. It wasn’t until I got an older girlfriend who
loved the TV show “Queer as Folk” that I learned about STDs and safe sex. I
knew about condoms but not about their importance in staying safe. Also, there
are many types of condoms out there and how many young men are grabbing
whatever just because it’s the first condom they see? They could be making a
huge mistake because they are not knowledgeable. What about dental dams and
female condoms- things I never heard of until taking a sexuality class as a
sophomore in college. Ok I honestly didn’t even know what sex was until college
because no one ever explained it to me. I didn’t understand how the pieces and
parts went together. Yes, I know I was INCREDIBLY sheltered but since I grew up
in the Mormon Church, that’s just how it is unfortunately.
My education failed me in my health
class for nutrition as well. My biology and anatomy classes failed to
communicate how the body actually works and what it needs versus what it
doesn’t. I don’t remember a damn thing from those classes, but I know I was
never taught how to take care of my body. I didn’t know what healthy food was
or that my body needed certain nutrients to function properly. I had no idea
what processed foods versus natural foods were. Yes I know now and I get that
it is really silly to not know these things, but I didn’t. I had no idea. I
didn’t know how to be healthy or even what healthy for my body type was. I
thought we all had to be skinny sticks. HA! Yeah right- me, a stick. That’s
fucking hilarious! I didn’t understand that my body would need something
different than my friends’ bodies. I was always told that to be healthy I just
needed to eat less and exercise more. Well after ten years of that same advice,
I said fuck it! In my own research, I found out more in one day than I ever
learned in my one semester of health class.
I feel that my education severely
disabled me in my beginning years as an adult. I struggled in everything I did
and stressed out my mind and body because I had to learn to survive while also
trying to attend college. If it were up to me, I would add an extra year onto
high school. I would go back to high school for an extra year to learn how to
be an adult and survive in the world if I could. I see so many young people
struggling because they don’t even know the basics of taking care of themselves
nevertheless a family. I’m incredibly blessed to not be married and have no children and
only having to focus on taking care of myself. I stress out enough just trying
to figure out my own life. There is no way I’d be able to help a child grow
with my lack of knowledge of the world and how things work.
As a 24 year old, I feel incredibly
lacking in what is considered common knowledge. Luckily I’ve always had friends
and older adults around to help guide me in my life choices, but I still fall
behind and don’t understand so many things and take so much longer to get where
I need to go because I have to learn as I go. I feel my education failed me in
many ways. School was always about friends and field trips. What happened to
teaching us how to survive in the real world? Yes I have an education, but it
is far less than what I thought I had. I should be so much further along in my
life. I don’t understand how people my age are already husbands, wives, and
parents. I’d be lucky to be ready for that by the age of thirty. Does that make
me incredibly stupid… or incredibly smart?
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