Awareness, Wellness, & Authenticity
I saw this photo today, and I wish more people understood. I wish I could share my true inner thoughts with more people and have them just get it. I wish people could understand that having rough and bad days is just as important and meaningful as having incredibly fabulous days; they are both beautiful and necessary in life, and we shouldn’t be so judgmental when we see someone’s bad day through their attitude, behavior, or social media posts. We all have bad days, and we all deserve to be authentically ourselves. I am not saying to be a negative Nancy {which, where did that term come from? Did Nancy have a lot of bad days around the office and get called out for it? Was she a pessimist who just could NOT find happiness? And who WAS Nancy?} I’m just saying that we are all capable of having bad days or tough times in our lives and denying those emotions and repressing them will only make them worse in the end. When I post things that are angry, depressing, sad, or even disturbin...