Breakin Up Is Hard To Do
Breakups at any age hurt. It doesn’t matter how many you have
gone through and if you’re the one who broke it off or the one who was left
stunned and blindsided- breakups suck. We trust someone with parts of ourselves
and open our hearts just to get hurt and disappointed; even breakups that are
for the best hurt when they happen. No one ever goes into a relationship hoping
that it will end (but if you are that way please stay very far away from me
because my poor little heart is fragile). My point is that we don’t expect any
type of relationship to end but sadly it is the cold, hard truth that sometimes
they do.
While there is suffering and pain, breakups don’t have to be
the end of the world. Relationships aren’t a waste of our time and while it
sounds cliche’ it is far better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all (I don’t know who said that first or where it originated from, but I
hate it too; let’s tar and feather them. That will make me feel better). Relationships
help us grow and develop as individuals. We get to learn about ourselves and
our needs, wants, and desires. We can gage what is and is not important to us
in a relationship and discover new ways to communicate and love.
teach us how to be less selfish and more caring and compassionate but can also
teach us when enough is enough and how to stand up for ourselves when being
taken advantage of. We can find new dreams, talents, skills, adventures, and
interests that we might not have discovered if it weren’t for our partner(s).
We can learn about our boundaries and triggers such as safe sex, testing, BDSM,
power exchanges, physical touch, must have needs, and our absolutely not gonna
happen! We can even discover new confidences in ourselves when our partners
positively reaffirm who we are, what we do, and how we look. The things that we
can learn in relationships have endless possibilities.
Now, I’m not saying that we can’t learn about ourselves
unless we’re in a relationship. That’s far from what I’m saying. I have spent
the last 164 days on a journey to get to know myself better and to learn and grow
without depending on others for my happiness. It has been an amazing journey,
and I have learned a lot about myself. I have also dated other people and
learned a lot from those relationships. We have opportunities to learn and grow
every day, and it is our experiences that teach us and allow us to discover who
we are and what we want out of life, and relationships and breakups are a part
of that journey of discovery.

The greatest lesson I have learned from them, however, is
that love doesn’t live in a box; breakups don’t mean that love no longer exists
and being in a relationship doesn’t mean that love does exist. We come to love people
for many reasons, and we don’t just stop loving because something comes up that
causes the end of a relationship or rather changes the style of the
relationship. Love exists in many forms and the best part of having had so many
relationships and breakups is finally being able to talk about things in a
rational way that can preserve possibilities of friendship or a future romantic
or sexual relationship.
Breakups do hurt, and we have the right to mourn the loss,
but it doesn’t have to destroy us. Each time we go through a breakup it is a
time to reinvent ourselves and start fresh. We can take what we have learned
and use it to better ourselves and better our future relationships. We don’t
have to let the past or heartache destroy us. We deserve to love and be loved
and to appreciate our relationships for that they are and what they have taught
us. I’m grateful for the opportunities I have had to be in relationships and to
learn about myself, and someday someone will walk into my life and decide my
crazy ass is worth putting up with for the rest of their life (which hopefully
will be before we’re old and dying, but I’ll take what I can get).
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