Dating Myself
Love is a most splendid thing. To love and be loved by
another is one of the greatest feelings but what happens when that love changes
or ceases to exist? Love is ever changing as are our relationships, and we
sometimes fail. Next week I will be a divorced man; my marriage lasting less
than a year and honestly lasting less than a month because we have been
separated since September 2014 after getting married August 16th, 2014.
A lot went into the decision for getting divorced but the reasons behind the
divorce are not what I’m here to talk about. Breakups are always difficult for
both parties regardless of who left who and how do you come back from that
change? We have this awful habit of talking down to ourselves and wondering
what is wrong with us and why are we unlovable and many other irrational
questions race through our heads. But what if nothing is wrong with us?

For the last 138 days I have been on a journey of
self-discovery. When I realized that my marriage was headed for a divorce and
that I was losing my relationship of 2 years, I got super depressed, and I did
not want to be there. I also didn’t want to run into a rebound relationship
because been there done that not interested. I knew I needed to find a way to
be okay being alone in this life. I finally decided to listen to my good friend
Sarha and dedicate a year to being single. I started a journey of truly getting
to know myself.

Day 56 was realizing that I might dislike being sick and single, but I can survive even the worst sickness by doing things for myself. Day 71 I took myself on a real date to dinner and a fabulous Burlesque show featuring one of my closest friends. Turns out, I’m a romantic fruitloop even when I’m single, and I have every right to dote on myself. Day 100 was another first: I was in my first 5K run. I didn’t actually run, but I did jog and finished in 46 minutes & 38 seconds. It was an amazing experience and was incredibly fulfilling on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. It really helped me see how much I enjoyed being active and working out. I now have actual goals for more races.
Day 121 was full of self-reflection. This was the point in
time where I realized I was actually a lot happier being single. I was able to
verbalize what I need versus what I want out of a relationship and accept that
I deserve those things, and I don’t have to settle. I am worth being loved for
who I am, and I deserve to be respected. I need a partner who is honest,
respectful, intelligent, kind, and loving. I have made mistakes and will
continue to make mistakes because I’m not perfect, and I know my partner will
be the same way, but I don’t have to settle for less than what I deserve
because I’m afraid of being alone. I was finally able to see just how wonderful
being single can be. Now at 138 days I am happy and moving forward with my life
with a new appreciation for myself and who I am as an individual. I am enrolled
in my Master’s Program through Capella University and start my first class
August 10th. I have an amazing job that I love at the Four A’s. I
get to spend time with friends, take myself on dates, workout, spend my own
money on myself, pay my own bills and only my bills, and get to take care of my
needs and wants.
This journey of mine has allowed me to learn so much about
myself and allowed me to take care of myself in ways that I had never imagined
I needed. It has truly been the greatest blessing in my life besides my
transition. So stop putting yourself down or thinking that something is wrong
with you because a relationship didn’t work out. Embrace who you are- flaws and
all. Someone out there will love you completely for who you are, and I’m a firm
believer that miracles happen when we fall in love with ourselves first.
My life is truly becoming beautiful, and I am so grateful to
all those who love and care about me and have been so supportive. I’m coming
into my own and possibly even finding romance and love again, but I still have
227 days of focusing on dating myself, so we’ll see where life takes me.
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