BFF- A Fruity Lifesavor For This Crazy Life Of Mine
Everyone knows what to expect of best friend status it seems. It is all over the media and on Facebook and myspace and movies. It's even used in commercials for dogs or diamonds. Everyone has that someone they consider their best friend, including this crazy mess of a transman.
Yes, I have amazing friends and actually refer to several people as my best friends and some who were best friends at one point in time but eventually we drifted apart. Now, my ultimate best friend isn't really what you would think.... My BFF is strong; courageous; brave; heartfelt; sweet; loving; silly; goofy; gorgeous; intelligent; street smart; professional; crazy; talented; and amazing. My BFF is also a WOMAN. Yep- that's right- a woman!
Now, having been a woman at one point in my life this shouldn't be an issue but of course life sucks sometimes and hurdles get in the way. For example, what happens when your significant other doesn't like or disapproves of your best friend? Well fuck. Sticky issues- but can anyone just tear best friends apart?
Best friends are called so because they are so deeply a part of us that they couldn't just be called a friend. They are the person you tell EVERYTHING to, even when it's supposed to be a secret. Psh- ya right. Don't ever ask me to keep a secret- my BFF will know in about 30 seconds from the time I'm done talking to you. This is just how it is, especially with women. I'm just a crazy case because some days it's like we're 2 girls goofing off and being silly; another day like 2 dudes hanging out; another day is typical male/female dynamics where I can't understand her need for so much make up for a grocery run, and she doesn't get why I'm busting out performing in the middle of the isle. It just happens. But regardless, best friend always have their own codes and knowledge about each other and manage to work it out.
Kristin is my best friend. She has been there for me through the worst and the best. Kristin and her family took me in like a little stray puppy and loved me and helped me grow and learn a lot of lessons; especially the really hard ones. Those who have watched me and Kristin through the last two years know we are a crazy bunch. We fight like cats and dogs sometimes, and I'm a crazy mood-swingin transguy so she often has to put me in my place. Personally, I appreciate that while others look down with dissaproval. Here is the thing though.... others don't get to pick your best friend. It's even more difficult to break apart than romantic couples because a best friend is, for the most part, untouchable. There is no changing someone's mind or forcing them apart or turning them against each other in an instant. Best friends KNOW what is going on and stick up for each other even if it may cause them some other issues.
For example, after I had been beat up by a roommate for being transgender, Nic, Kristin's husband, moved me into their home for several months. During that time there were several instances where I wasn't the greatest guy and was a douchebag without realizing it. I had offended Nic but Kristin defended me because she knew what was going on with me. She talked to me about it later and explained what I had done and how to fix my behavior. That meant a lot to me because I didn't understand the situation or what I had done, but I was able to fix it and have since gained a friendship with Nic as well. Nic and Kristin are my family and there is unconditional love in our friendship. I'm a pretty lucky guy to have such an awesome best friend because Kristin and Nic have done a lot for me, none of which they had to do.
Best friends also support each other- even when it's crazy. Kristin has supported me in my transition from the day she met me. She also supported my performing at Myrna's and also the Last Frontier Drag Kings. I in turn have supported her business ventures and events. Kristin and I even volunteer together for Operation Morale Boost and support each other's roles. Now, I'm going to take a moment and brag because I can:
Kristin recently launched her new business: Absolutely Kristin Productions. She held a fashion show featuring new talent and upcoming fashion. The dresses were fabulous and up to high fashion standards of the day while the models' hair was styled for the 1920s. Kristin put two very different eras together to create an elegant but fashionable show. All the models were gorgeous and ranged from every shape and size to show that no matter what, we are all beautiful. It was a successful event, and I am so proud of Kristin and everything she has done so far. Kristin has many talents in unique and yummy cakes designed just for you; brilliant photography with an eye for beauty; and a head for planning, organizing, and creating like you wouldn't believe.
Yes, I have amazing friends and actually refer to several people as my best friends and some who were best friends at one point in time but eventually we drifted apart. Now, my ultimate best friend isn't really what you would think.... My BFF is strong; courageous; brave; heartfelt; sweet; loving; silly; goofy; gorgeous; intelligent; street smart; professional; crazy; talented; and amazing. My BFF is also a WOMAN. Yep- that's right- a woman!
Now, having been a woman at one point in my life this shouldn't be an issue but of course life sucks sometimes and hurdles get in the way. For example, what happens when your significant other doesn't like or disapproves of your best friend? Well fuck. Sticky issues- but can anyone just tear best friends apart?
Best friends are called so because they are so deeply a part of us that they couldn't just be called a friend. They are the person you tell EVERYTHING to, even when it's supposed to be a secret. Psh- ya right. Don't ever ask me to keep a secret- my BFF will know in about 30 seconds from the time I'm done talking to you. This is just how it is, especially with women. I'm just a crazy case because some days it's like we're 2 girls goofing off and being silly; another day like 2 dudes hanging out; another day is typical male/female dynamics where I can't understand her need for so much make up for a grocery run, and she doesn't get why I'm busting out performing in the middle of the isle. It just happens. But regardless, best friend always have their own codes and knowledge about each other and manage to work it out.
Kristin is my best friend. She has been there for me through the worst and the best. Kristin and her family took me in like a little stray puppy and loved me and helped me grow and learn a lot of lessons; especially the really hard ones. Those who have watched me and Kristin through the last two years know we are a crazy bunch. We fight like cats and dogs sometimes, and I'm a crazy mood-swingin transguy so she often has to put me in my place. Personally, I appreciate that while others look down with dissaproval. Here is the thing though.... others don't get to pick your best friend. It's even more difficult to break apart than romantic couples because a best friend is, for the most part, untouchable. There is no changing someone's mind or forcing them apart or turning them against each other in an instant. Best friends KNOW what is going on and stick up for each other even if it may cause them some other issues.
For example, after I had been beat up by a roommate for being transgender, Nic, Kristin's husband, moved me into their home for several months. During that time there were several instances where I wasn't the greatest guy and was a douchebag without realizing it. I had offended Nic but Kristin defended me because she knew what was going on with me. She talked to me about it later and explained what I had done and how to fix my behavior. That meant a lot to me because I didn't understand the situation or what I had done, but I was able to fix it and have since gained a friendship with Nic as well. Nic and Kristin are my family and there is unconditional love in our friendship. I'm a pretty lucky guy to have such an awesome best friend because Kristin and Nic have done a lot for me, none of which they had to do.
Best friends also support each other- even when it's crazy. Kristin has supported me in my transition from the day she met me. She also supported my performing at Myrna's and also the Last Frontier Drag Kings. I in turn have supported her business ventures and events. Kristin and I even volunteer together for Operation Morale Boost and support each other's roles. Now, I'm going to take a moment and brag because I can:
Kristin recently launched her new business: Absolutely Kristin Productions. She held a fashion show featuring new talent and upcoming fashion. The dresses were fabulous and up to high fashion standards of the day while the models' hair was styled for the 1920s. Kristin put two very different eras together to create an elegant but fashionable show. All the models were gorgeous and ranged from every shape and size to show that no matter what, we are all beautiful. It was a successful event, and I am so proud of Kristin and everything she has done so far. Kristin has many talents in unique and yummy cakes designed just for you; brilliant photography with an eye for beauty; and a head for planning, organizing, and creating like you wouldn't believe.
I've learned a lot from Kristin over the last few years, and we have had some amazing times. Memories flood my mind, and I smile knowing that I have someone I can count on; someone who always knows how to make my day a little brighter; someone who has seen me at my absolute worst and still loves me unconditionally; someone who encourages me and lifts me up; someone who will put me in my place and stomp me with those stillettos if need be.... I not only have a best friend, but I gained a family. Kristin, Nic, Aar, and Logan: I love you all so much, and I'm the luckiest guy to be included in your family and as your friend.
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