Drag vs. Trans

While their questions are valid, it
sometimes gets old having to answer the same questions all the time. The only
time it’s not is when cute women hit on me and can’t believe I’m not a
biological man. Yeah that’s a great feeling… anyways; I’m here to clear up a
few things: for me, drag is an art form. It is performing outside of my typical
everyday life and mannerisms. It is a passion and blends music and dancing into
a soulful expression of emotions. Being a drag performer is about creating an
illusion and going over the top. While I dress normal (most of the time) and my
beard is real, my performance and energy is over the top a bit. I try to
embrace every ounce of whatever character I am playing. The fact that I am
still biologically female also adds to the illusion. No one guesses I have to
bind my tits and that my thick package is cyber skin in a jock strap. It is all
an illusion.
People try to argue that I am a man
now so I shouldn’t be classified as a drag king. Or the other argument is that
because I classify myself as a drag king I can’t be classified as a real man. REALLY; why can’t I just say I’m a
performer? Why must we be so obsessed with labels? I still classify myself
as a drag king because I am performing in a different character than who I am,
and I do not live sing. I dance, lip sync, and get into costumes. It is an art
form; an illusion. While typically a drag king is a female who dresses like a
man ONLY for performing, times have changed. There are transgender individuals
all over the world who perform as the gender they have transitioned to. Many
drag kings down in the lower 48 that I have researched are transmen. Drag isn’t
about gender for us anymore- it’s about the performance.

A Drag King
is typically
a female who dresses and presents as a male for the purpose of performing as an
A Drag Queen
is typically
a male who dresses and presents as a female for the purpose of performing as an
The beauty of acting and performing
though is that you don’t have to fit in a box. There is no set limit on who you
can or cannot be. We are gifted entertainers and performers, and we enjoy what
we do. The role that we play is not as important as the simple fact that we are
playing a role. Performing for me is like cleansing myself of all emotions. My
song choices always reflect my emotions that have built up. While this is not
true of every performer every time, for me personally, it is truth.

Performing gives me an opportunity
to release emotions in a positive way. Yes I am transitioning to a man, but I don’t
care what the title is. I’m simply a performer expressing himself. When I have
a lot of romantic or sexual tension, you will see my Casanova side come out or
my down and dirty sex songs. When I’m in a moving happy mood and just want to
dance, you’ll see my N’sync and other
pop music come out. Country music has a wide range of emotions within it and it
usually means I’m just my happy self playing a cowboy like I’ve always wanted
to be. When I’m angry or depressed you’ll see Breaking Benjamin, Disturbed, or Theory of a Deadman, among others.
Performing is my release; it is my therapy; it is an addiction. It’s the
healthiest addiction I have actually. Regardless of what character or persona I
enact, I am releasing my energy and emotions and just enjoying my life.

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